Being efficient simply means using less energy to achieve more output.
Four Qualities of Great Mentor Relationships
What would Kobe Bryant’s career have looked like if he didn’t have a mentor in Michael Jordan?
7 Project Management Lessons for New Project Managers
What exactly makes a good project manager? People have been working together on projects of all kinds for thousands of years. And while the ways […]
Potential – Four Traits That Will Help Unlock Your Potential
What do Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein and Arnold Schwarzenegger have in common with oysters, apple trees and spiders? Well, each found a unique way to […]
The Power of a Good Impression
What impression are you leaving behind?
The Beginners Phase – 9 Key Lessons for Jiu-Jitsu White Belts
Taking up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu almost 10 years ago was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
Timing – Changing Perspectives of Good and Bad Timing.
When we talk about timing, we think about something happening at the ‘right time’ or the ‘wrong time’.
Planning The Next Steps – Making Continual Progress in Your Goals and Life
How do you make continual progress with your life, your goals, your purpose? Progress requires planning, but inevitably relies on execution. And execution requires presence. […]
A Curious Mind
A curious mind is a valuable tool to have. It’s the key to unlocking creativity and purpose in ourselves and others.
Inspiring Moments
It’s an interesting question to think about. When have you as a person done something you consider to be inspiring? Not necessarily to hundreds or thousands of people, or to anyone in particular, or even anyone at all, except maybe just yourself.