Someone very close to me received some exciting news this past week. She’s been turning up for what she loves day after day for many […]
Growth Zones – The Border of Challenge and Support
You only grow and progress where you have balance.
Flow – How to Identify and Enter The High-Performance State
What is flow?
Inspiring Moments
It’s an interesting question to think about. When have you as a person done something you consider to be inspiring? Not necessarily to hundreds or thousands of people, or to anyone in particular, or even anyone at all, except maybe just yourself.
The Remarkable Charlie Lynn: What Happens When You Throw Chuck Norris and Indiana Jones in a Blender
Described as the by-product of throwing Chuck Norris and Indiana Jones into a blender, this former Australian Army Major has been trekking across the infamous Kokoda trail for more than 26 years.
The Love of Jiu-Jitsu – Rigan Machado, A Martial Arts Life
When Rigan Machado was seventeen years old, he was taught an important lesson. The young Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu prodigy had earned himself a reputation as one […]
20 Important Life Lessons I’d Tell My 18-Year-Old Self.
Ten years ago, I’d just finished school, I was training almost every single day to become a professional Rugby League player and I was just about to begin my first year of study at University.
Since then so much has changed in almost every aspect of my life.
Step Into The Arena – 5 Reasons Why Competing is a Vital Part of Life
No other situation has the capacity to push you quicker to produce change and growth quite like the raw and harsh reality of entering into the competitive arena
The First Step – The Mindfulness of Running
At the end of a long and busy day, or whenever I feel a need to de-stress and calm my mind, my number one go-to activity is to go for a long run.
The Path To Balance: No Growth Without Challenge.
There is a place I go a couple of times a week. A cold, blank room in a nondescript old building, burrowed deep within one of the darker back pockets of Sydney. It’s a place which provides me with the lessons that I desperately need in my life.